About Chris NoelIn the mid '60s Her Amazing Looks & Acting Talent made her a Hollywood Star. In the late '60s she became a GI Legend and every American Soldier knew who she was.
As a young actress in Hollywood,
Soldier in the Rain in 1963 with Steve McQueen was her first film, quickly followed a year later by Get Yourself a College Girl, Honeymoon Hotel, and Diary of a Bachelor. Beach Ball in '65 was her breakthrough to stardom. Though it was just one of the many lightweight beach pics of the mid-'60s, this one at least gave her star billing and featured her bikinied image in the print ads: "Nothing Bounces Like Beach Ball," read some of the ad lines. Elvis's Girl Happy in '65 cast her as a pretty sidekick to Shelley Fabares, Wild, Wild Winter in '66 gave her another starring role in a beach-style movie (this time ski slopes replaced surf 'n' sand), and The Glory Stompers in '67 put her opposite Dennis Hopper in a biker epic. All through these years Chris was getting guest spots on dozens of popular TV shows, everything from "Bewitched" and "Perry Mason" to "My Three Sons" and several Bob Hope specials.

Chris Goes To Viet NamThe turning point, not just in her career but in her entire life, came when she toured a veterans hospital in '65; the sight of the broken, mutilated casualties of the Vietnam War brought home the reality of what was happening 10,000 miles away. She asked to audition for the Armed Forces Network, and in '66 she began hosting her own hour-long radio show called: "A DATE WITH CHRIS" and this show became a favorite of G.I.'s. everywhere. She was the American soldiers "link back home" and her pictures were carried by thousands of soldiers on the battlefield. In her 20's, she was the target of sniper & artillery fire, She survived a Helicopter crash and the Viet Cong put a\$10,000 reward for her capture or death. She has dedicated her life to helping Vietnam Veterans. In the late 80's, Chris wrote a book about her war experiences "Matter of Survival" and she started several VETSVILLE CEASE FIRE HOUSES to help homeless veterans ...

Watch For Information On Chris Noel's New CD & MOVIE Project

Chris has several works in progress including a new book, new music CD and a Feature Movie.
To learn more about Chris or For Booking "The Chris Noel Show" or "Speaking Engagements" (see contact page above):